Pit Droid 1:1 scale Page 1
Although we did not like Episode 1 very much, we were fascinated with the new droids Uncle George introduced: Battle Droid, Destroyer Droid (Droideka) and the Pit Droid. We decided, that a Pit Droid would't be to hard to build, which should prove wrong during the construction. At that point, we didn't realize, that there was nearly no studio model used during the production of the prequel, except as a light stand-in. Over 95% were computer generated images. Looking closely through the movie, you willsee, that the Pit Droid performs some movements, which are physically impossible. Nevertheless, we started to build this little fella
Materials we used: Plastic sheets (0.1 - 2.0mm), aluminum barrels, auto body putty, superglue, zip kicker, different screws, plastic strips, hot glue, miliput, 2K filler from ICI autocolor, 2K bumper repair resin, moosy, super sculpey, wood bars, ball joints (k-nex) and of course lots of photos from the real droid (cgi and prop) and promo replicas .
Constructing the body
At this point, the body is already shaped out of moosy (a dense foam). We added a layer of fiberglass and used another layer of super sculpey for the raised areas. Any imperfections were puttied and sanded down. After that, two layers of auto body filler were applied.
The thighs
The picture above shows the technique used for most of the different Pit Droid parts. 1 shows the nearly completed basic thigh. 2 shows the inner part of the thigh with the components 2a and 2b to be added to each side.
The lower legs
The lower legs were contructed the same way as the thighs. The picture above shows the main pieces completed, but with still no detailing to them.
The feet and the toesFeet and toes were mainly constructed out of plastic sheets and auto body putty. The left picture shows them with the first coat of filler applied. The pic on the right shows the already casted toes and the foot, all with k-nex ballpoints attached.
Upper and lower arm
The upper and lower arm turned out to be a little more complex to builld and were revised several times. The pics above do not show the final version.
The lower hip
The parts of the lower hip prior to assembly
Upper and lower hip
The left picture shows the upper hip part completed. The right picture shows the complete hip assembled.
The upper head
The above picture shows, how the head was done. 1 - the basic structure was built out of plastic sheets. 2 - the sections were filled with moosy. 3 - auto body putty was applied. 4 -the completed upper head prior to fillering
Pitdroid Page 2